Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Media has Unhealthy Effect on Young Women - 647 Words

Text messaging, e-mail, magazines, social media, television, and radio are only a few over excessive forms of media. Adolescents spend a typical day of about 7.5 hours or more on some sort of media. (Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders1) Although men are affected by the downfall of media usage, young women bear the cross. Not only do women have to face the expectations of perfection, but also the discrimination from themselves and others. Media usage has become an everyday part of life; however, it has an unhealthy effect on young women. Media’s example of perfection has been drilled into the minds’ of youth. More than half of young girls in America are dissatisfied with their appearance. (Media’s Effect on Body Image1) Instead of worrying about the monster underneath the bed, girls believe their body is their own personal monster. Media has portrayed an unrealistic representation of â€Å"perfection.† The issue exists because perfection is impossible, but young naà ¯ve girls do not know that. An unhealthy look on body image at such a young age comes from being constantly surrounded by the images of an ideal women. Eight year old girls should not have to be worrying about their weight or looks, but it is realistic because that is what they are surrounded by. Young girls are already manipulated by media’s standards of the definition of beautiful, and the manipulation will only grow as they age. The betrayal that media put on the unrealistic goal to be thin increases the chanceShow MoreRelatedMedia s Representation Of Body Image1532 Words   |  7 Pagesof the media on all aspect of society has spread like wildfire especially in the United States. One specific influence by the media is body image, large number of young women and girls look up to people in the media and are influenced by the way they look. 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