Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Much School Wide Achievement Effects The Relationship...

This study was done by people at the University of Missouri. By doing this study they were trying to see how much school-wide achievement effects the relationship between early childhood education and performance in reading and math in fifth graders. The question they wanted to answer was, â€Å"Do ECE program participants have better achievement in fifth grade than others who were not in an ECE program?† They sampled children were first-time or repeat kindergarteners, kids who did not complete the first assessment in English, children who needed special education, and had moved schools recently. They used those children because they thought those factors were academic risks faced by children. â€Å"For instance, repeating kindergarten, needing†¦show more content†¦The results showed that attending both pre-kindergarten and child care had a big positive impact on the children’s fifth grade reading and math scores than compared with not having attended any ECE. However, attending Head Start had a negative impact on children’s achievement compared with children who did not attend ECE, and when the child only went to Head Start they performed significantly lower than children who attended pre-K and child care on reading. This one was about a follow up on the Abecedarian Project done by people at the University of North Carolina. The Abecedarian Project was a trial designed to learn the extent to how early childhood education could overcome the odds of developmental delays and academic failure for children born into low-income families. At 21, the treated group had kept a significant advantage on both intellectual test performance and scores on academic tests of reading and mathematics. The treated group were more likely to attend a 4-year college or university. Those with early childhood treatment were also more likely either to be in school or to have a skilled job or both. â€Å"Concerning social–emotional outcomes, treated individuals were less likely to be teen parents, less likely to smoke marijuana, and less likely to report depressive symptoms when compared with individuals in the control group† (Campbell). Recruitment for the Abecedarian study began

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